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It’s Karen’s Day!

By June 8, 2024June 10th, 2024No Comments

Saturday 8th June is “National Karen Day”. It is also “World Gin Day”. (I prefer the Gin Day😊). National Karen Day caught my attention for it is not the meme Karen that is currently being used as an expression to express the opinionated and entitled Karen. It is the name Karen being under the top girl names in the USA 1938 and then again 1970’s and again 1987.

OK KAREN! Let me get to the point with the latest news for you. Tonight is semifinal Cash Draw 20 (after tonight only 8 to go before the Ford Bronco Sport finds its first owner, or cash if you prefer to exchange your prize). Of the 13 cars given away, by far most winners preferred the cash equivalent. It will be up to you.

Our Fathers celebration week is also starting in the coming week. Even if you are not a father you can share in the celebrations of what Father’s meant throughout history. Like the Mothers Celebration brings good luck, Fathers also add to many lucky streaks! Hope you are standing first in line.

Not for nothing that the Slot’s winning margin is now springing at a lucky multi-Million dollars!  This famous week makes for extra live draws, surprises, and treats to your heart’s desire.

Have yourself a “KAREN” winning Saturday and do not drink too much gin!


Hein from Executive VIP Program