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It’s getting close….

By October 19, 2024October 21st, 2024No Comments

Countdown to the Tesla Model 3 Draw on 2 November 2024 is now reaching priority status.

You started collecting tickets (1 for every $30 deposit that you were spending to win on the Slots) from 15 July 2024.

Do you know how many tickets you have at this stage?
Last night we emailed a ticket status update. Alternatively, you can see for yourself on any of our partners’ website homepage sidebar under WIN A CAR.

There are 28 semi final cash draws (one every Wed and one every Saturday).
Tonight, will be semifinal cash draw 24. (After tonight 4 to go).

Based on probability more tickets = more chances.
All tickets are entered for every draw. (Even if it already has been a cash winning ticket).

How does a Draw work?
It is virtual random selection. We record and add the draw to the website.

How do you know you are a winner?
The team will get hold of you Telephonically, text or e mail.

Do we publish your personal details if you are a winner?
No, only if you opt for us to use this. It is based on aliases to safeguard anonymity.

Can you exchange the car for cash?
Certainly, most of our 14 car winners have selected this option so far.

What do you need to do?
Nothing. You can get more tickets as you still have 13 days to go.

Can you see the previous 14 cars and 392 semi final cash winners?
Yes, their alias’s are published under the win a car tab.

Any more questions? Ask us?

Awesome Saturday, get more tickets, win more and above all just enjoy the rest of the weekend!


The Executive VIP Team